Sunday 25 November 2012


During the first semester at UV I did not manage to travel as much as I would have wanted to but hopefully the second semester will be different in that area. I did, however, manage to go on a day trip to a little city called Xátiva, about 1h and 20min distance from Valencia.

Road of Xátiva
Xátiva is a small city, with about 28,000 inhabitants but it's a lovely little place. It shows you the true Spanish landscapes with the coloured houses, narrow cobbled roads and the famous orange trees (They are everywhere!). The main atraction of the city is the castle on top of the hill, the highest point in Xátiva. To be honest there is a looong way up if you plan on walking (thanks God we had a car), and it gets even longer in the summer because of the heat. The first time we went (there was a second time too, that's how much we liked it!) the heat was pretty much unbearable so we did not get to enjoy it fully, that is why I would advise going sometime between October and beginning of May.

The way to the castle
View from the castle 

Panoramic view

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Xátiva is very beautiful and good for enjoy every year
