Tuesday 31 January 2012

We're progressing ...

It's been a while since I last posted anything here but I've been quite busy with all paperwork and getting excited about moving to Spain for the year.

So, just to put everyone up to date, the application is finally here. Now all I have to do is complete it and send it in to my Programme Officer... but there is one problem, one BIG problem!! Everyone (well, nearly everyone) wants to go to Valencia. The official info is as follows:

Valencia has 4 places, 8 want to go there
Salamanca is the same
Granda has 4 places and 4 people want to go there (which makes everything much easier)
...and Madrid! well... Madrid; there are 9 places there and ... 2 people want to go there

Yes, one BIG problem!

It wouldn't be so big but I, like the majority of my class, do NOT want to end up in Madrid. It's just so big and not Erasmus friendly and ..well, big! And i have this feeling that everyone will fall out with eachother just because we won't be able to work out who is going where. (Let's hope that's not the case) This thursday (2nd of February) we are all gonna meet up in a room to (hopefully) sort everything out, that is : to decide who is going where. I really have a bad feeling about this.

If this does not work out, we will have to let the Programme Officer decide for us, or even worse, pick our places out of a hat (which in fact happened in 2011 because everyone, and I mean everyone wanted to go to Valencia .. imagine, 24 people fighting over 4 places in Valencia.. That must've been real fun!) The final date for submiting the form is the 13th of  February so that gives us enough time to sort it all out and on the 17th we will get our results.

Please please please God let me get Valencia!  :D
Ciudad de las artes y ciencias, Valencia

Wednesday 11 January 2012

So, I got a few days left until college starts again and I'm starting to get a little bit nervous .. Once I get back to college all the formalities are going to start: information sessions on Erasmus and Spain in general, completing the Erasmus form and so on .. 

We have 4 cities to choose from and my options are (in order of preference): 
I've thought about it a lot, the place I want to go to and this might sounds a tiny bit weird (or not) but the city MUST have a beach. As you probably don't know, unless you live in Ireland, we have a lack of sun and nice days that can get one in a depression, no joke! So that's the reasoning behind my theory ..which, to be honest, isn't very smart but hey, everybody has issues right? 

Right, coming back to panic mode .. The place I'm going to live in for one year is based on Stage 1 GPA + Stage 2, semester 2 GPA and I dont know how well my exams went but I will keep everyone posted :) 

Adios (until next week) 

Saturday 7 January 2012

This is it.

So, I finally made up my mind! 

This idea of a blog was kinda in my head for a long time but I never had anything good(ish) to write about, anything that was worth writing/reading about (in my view, of course). So today I decided to write about my Erasmus year in Spain .. it's true that it won't happen until September 2012 but I want to start writing about it now. Let me tell you though, writing essays was definitely something I struggled with in school so do not expect high-class-novel-writing here cos it won't happen :) 

 Now.. let the fun begin ! (sort of ..)